About Me

I am not whole or complete but rather made of fragments of my identity. When it comes to writing or simply talking about myself, I find that I’m not able to harmoniously tie everything together. I’ll grasp on to the many parts of my persona that I am familiar with and only bring up what’s at the surface, putting away the flaws I wish people wouldn’t see. Who am I? Well, I’m going to only have to tell you some of what I know. Everything else, I have yet to explore. We are all continuously learning to fully embrace ourselves and that’s basically what I’m attempting to do at this point in my life, at my own pace of course. I may or may not be a long way from doing so, but I still have time to put all those pieces together, to simply be the individual I aspire to be.

6 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Dear Sarah,
    I loved your use of words in this piece, it made it so much better! I also really liked how you talked about your connection with your heritage and your homeland, I thought that was a super cool fact to learn about you! The way you describe who you are, and what type of person you are was beautiful because you didn’t hold back, and showed us the true colours of yourself. The imagery of this line: “The few people I trust are my ledge to lean back and grip onto when I’m making my way around the edge of a steep mountain,” was a really thoughtful use of a metaphor.
    The only thing I would change about this was to expand a little bit more on the ending, and tell us why you chose this URL and what it means to you. I can’t wait to see some of your future posts in this course!
    Sincerely, Jovan.

    1. Dear Jov,
      Thank you soo much! I’m glad you liked my piece and I also appreciate you helping me out with editing too! Now that you mentioned it, I do realize my ending might have seemed vague but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go deeper into what they meant. I’m planning to post some peices that involved those symbols in relation to my personal life and then hopefully my blog theme aesthetic might come together. I enjoyed reading your about me too- it really brought out your amazing, compasionate personality. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your peices. <3
      Sincerely, Sarah

  2. Hey Sarah,
    I really enjoyed reading your piece about yourself, and even though I’ve known you for just more than five years now, this piece still informs me about who you are. You discuss the main points about yourself and I think it’s amazing how open you chose to be on this blog. Your descriptions of yourself and your preferences were wonderful and insightful to you as a person. The only thing I would suggest would be that I would’ve liked to see more of the small details about yourself, because people are made from the small pieces as well as the big. Overall, I think you did a really good job and I look forward to reading and commenting on your future blog posts.
    Sincerely, Tanzi.

    1. Dear Tanzi,
      Thank you for your considerate feedback. I’m pretty pleased to know that I was able to have that sort of impact I guess in terms of how informative my peice was. I completely agree with you – small details about someone can definitely be insightful and tell a lot about an individual. I’ll keep your suggestion in mind and weave in some smaller details about myself in my future pieces. Thank you so much again for reading my work! <3
      Sincerely, Sarah

  3. Dear Sarah,

    This is a masterpiece!! The use of metaphors, imagery and all the types of figurative language you implemented into your writing really highlighted the intrinsic nature of your identity. It made me gain a deeper more insightful understanding of who you are. The poetic language and flow really brought your writing to life, it’s amazing. My favourite part was when you talked about your homeland, Hunza. I hope I can visit one day, it seems beautiful!! Moreover, your title is so creative, your connection with the title and your identity. “Scattered sentiments.” How clever!!

    I absolutely loved this piece. I wouldn’t change a thing but I think you could write about your specific memories in Hunza. I know I would definitely like to hear about that! I really enjoyed reading this Sarah, can’t wait to see your future work.


    1. Dear Sadhiya,
      Thank you soo much for those kind words!- I was obsessed with your descriptive “About Me” peice and I’m glad you liked mine too, including the part where I talked about my connection with my homeland. Also, I like randomly came up with the title. I was struggling in the beginning but in the end it made sense to me and complimented my “about me”. Honestly, your words have encourgaed me to try writing a piece relating to some really impactful memories I had in Hunza, so thank you for that. 🙂 I can’t wait to read more of your work too. <3
      Sincerely, Sarah

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